
About LifeLink

Healthcare is a $3.2T industry. While clinical care is more advanced than ever, successful patient engagement has proven to be healthcare’s biggest challenge. It’s costing us $33B each year in avoidable hospital admittances, higher treatment costs, and preventable deaths. We can do better.

LifeLink is the conversational engagement platform for healthcare. We work with some of the largest healthcare systems and pharma companies in the country to reach their patients on mobile and messaging, with personalized, natural, and contextual conversations. LifeLink chatbots automate thousands of high-value patient touchpoints before, during, and after healthcare visits, resulting in improved operational efficiency, increased customer satisfaction, and superior brand loyalty.

We’re a passionate team that’s built large-scale enterprise solutions before. We’re backed by a world-class board and we’ve just closed our Series A to accelerate our vision to make healthcare conversational. Our success will depend on continuing to attract creative, collaborative, and driven people.


R&D Lab Tech

June 2018 Brandon, FL
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