Li & Fung

HR & Logistics Intern

June - August 2018 • Guatemala City, Guatemala Department

What I liked

I loved getting to experience what it is like to work in a large, multi-national corporation. I was able to see the whole supply chain at work and was able to play a part in it. My time in logistics allowed me to communicate with venders and customers all over the world while my time in HR allowed me to understand corporate policy and company interworking better. All of this occurred in a multi-cultural setting that allowed me to develop my intercultural communication skills.

What I wish was different

I wish I would have had more tasks to do. This is a common intern complaint, but I had quite a bit of free time. I would have liked even more responsibilities but of course sometime that just isn't possible with an internship.


I would say that when going into an internship, it is important to both hold yourself to a high standard of professionalism, while also realizing that you are there to learn. Hopefully you can add value to the organization, but also you shouldn't be afraid to ask questions and seek out learning opportunities.
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