
Merchandise Product Position Intern

April - May 2023 • Rochester, NY

What I liked

I liked that I was able to work at my own pace and make decisions. Although my decisions weren't always the most efficient, I learned WAY more than I would have had I not had the opportunity to make a mistake.

What I wish was different

Better break room enviornment.


Go in ready to work with a positive mindset.
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Student Engagement Specialist

September 2021 - January 2023 • Madison, WI

What I liked

I loved the flexibility of this on-campus job, allowing me to manage both school and job responsibilities. There was also some amazing professional development events and resources to help me grow in my career ambitions. Everyone on the team is kind and friendly, creating a welcoming atmosphere that I never got tired of.

What I wish was different


If you want to build up your communication skills, this is the job for you! There are many skills that you will learn and develop throughout your time here, so even if you feel like you are not the best at communication/customer-service/outreach, give it a shot and you will end up with some amazing resume-building experience.
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Retail Associate

June 2023 • New York City, NY

What I liked

The management style was very welcoming. It was a helpful and fun environment to be in.

What I wish was different

I wish there would be more workers available.


A piece of advice would be to stay true to what you know about yourself and don’t let customers bring you downn
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August 2019 • Arlington, TX

What I liked

I love working with people and the fast-paced environment.

What I wish was different

The hours.


Bartending is a great way to polish your customer service and people skills.
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June 2018 • Cuyahoga Falls, OH

What I liked

Amazing bosses and management

What I wish was different

Wish I got payed more (duh)


Don’t bother stressing over shit that don’t matter
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Concessions Supervisor

June 2019 • Los Angeles, CA

What I liked

I like the schedule flexibility. I've learned an abundance amount of personal qualities working with legends. They are a company that makes you feel at home. Before games they make sure we are feed. Overall, I had a great experience and am still a proud employer of Legends.

What I wish was different

I wish for more events. This would allow us to work more hours.


Be ready to learn alot of new things. Pay attention to the stands, prices, inventory, and take care of your employees.
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Guest services

June 2018 • Seattle, WA

What I liked

What I wish was different


It was a great summer job but not much of a learning experience
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May 2017 • Frisco, TX

What I liked

The networking and people that I work day in and day out with are absolutely amazing.

What I wish was different

Something I wish was different is the location. Being in a Denton, and driving to Frisco at the peak of rush hour gets exhausting.


Don’t ever limit yourself because you’re scared of rejection.
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Warehouse Stocker

April 2016 • East Troy, WI

What I liked

Laid back atmosphere, great coworkers

What I wish was different


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internal manager intern

May - August 2018 • Bristow, VA

What I liked

I like how people worked as a team to get items done I like how day to day was different

What I wish was different

more organization


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May 2016 • Nashville, TN

What I liked

The ability to interact with customers in a fun environment r

What I wish was different


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Front of House intern

June - August 2018 • New York City, NY

What I liked

What I wish was different


It's easy to just sit around and not do much so make projects for yourself. They are open to change so find areas you want to improve and go for it.
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One World Observatory Marketing Intern

June - August 2018 • New York City, NY

What I liked

The corporate company

What I wish was different

I wish I was at the corporate office rather than the venue of One World Observatory


Explore your options
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