What I wish was different
The work was pretty monotonous and dry. I felt a strong desire for a change after only a few months.
I didn't care for consulting with ecclesiastical leaders as that was just time out of my day that I could otherwise be in appointments. I just felt like I was bothering them rather than helping.
I struggled to fill my bookshelves with church-appropriate things because I didn't have a lot of knick-knacks or books and I didn't want to spend money just to fill the space, especially if I was only going to be there temporarily. I went to the DI for space-fillers, and managed, but it wasn't ideal.
I didn't care for the fact that I had to wear a tie and dress shoes (although since I left, ties are no longer required).
I was gravely disappointment by how clinical the atmosphere was. I had hoped it would be more about listening to the Spirit, praying, and doing things God's way rather than using the philosophies of man (clinical, "evidence"-based, etc.).
I was disappointed that the culture wasn't more holistic. While I loved the free sugary treats they provided sometimes, they didn't seem to understand the very important connection between food, mood, and overall wellbeing, which even the Word of Wisdom implies.