
Information Technology Intern

May - August 2021 • Detroit, MI

What I liked

What I loved most about Kautex-Textron was being able to have free rein over my internship. My manager would assign me meaningful projects and was a great mentor. After my time at Kautex-Textron came to an end, I walked away with strong and relative experience in my field of study.

What I wish was different

I wish this internship was available more often such as during the winter and fall.


Expect to know nothing and do not be afraid to ask questions.
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Manufacturing Engineering Intern

June - August 2020 • Avilla, IN

What I liked

I really enjoyed applying the skills I have acquired in class/through my project teams to a real-world career. I loved the company culture and how inviting the staff was. I was never afraid to ask questions, and there was always an opportunity to learn more.

What I wish was different

My internship was postponed due to COVID-19, so I wish I was able to start my internship at the beginning of June rather than the end. I really enjoyed my summer internship.


Don't be afraid to ask questions. One thing I was really afraid of going into this experience was whether or not I was prepared enough for this type of role, considering I had just finished my sophomore year of college. I learned quickly that the management and staff are there to guide you and educate you if you get stuck. Also, don't be afraid to speak up/tell your ideas. Companies invest in interns for new ideas/perspectives they haven't thought of before. Show them what you are capable of.
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Process Technology Intern

June - August 2019 • Troy, MI

What I liked

I liked that my position involved a lot of traveling. I was able to meet different people in several types of engineering roles and do different projects with these people. From this experience, I was able to determine that I would like to apply my engineering degree to a business setting rather than manufacturing.

What I wish was different

I wish that I had had more direct communication with the other interns. The other interns were in different departments and did not travel as much as I, if at all. I feel like I missed a little bit of the intern bonding experience that comes along with a cohort.


This internship opened up a full time rotational position with Textron, a fortune 500 company that owns other businesses such as Bell Helicopter, Textron Systems, and others. It involves moving for the next 2 years, and I did not want to leave Michigan when I began the internship. I would say be open minded to new opportunities and perspectives, you never know what may come of an experience.
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IT intern

June - August 2019 • Troy, MI

What I liked

The people

What I wish was different

The type of work


Make sure you know what projects you will be working on
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Quality Engineer Intern

June - August 2018 • Lavonia, GA

What I liked

It was a great learning experience, I was able to gain knowledge and skills that I didn't not have before. They were skills/knowledge in the Automotive field, Quality field, and working with plastics.

What I wish was different

Due to being a fast paced industry at times I felt unimportant but looking back it was more frustration in the moment.


Be a self starter, don't be afraid to volunteer to help with others projects.
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Design Engineer

June - August 2018 • Troy, MI

What I liked

Great group of people to work with.

What I wish was different

More information about the internship from the company beforehand.


Ask Questions!
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Human Resources Internship

June - August 2018 • San Antonio, TX

What I liked

Textron is huge, so there is a lot of opportunities to grow and develop within the company. We also had the opportunity to do tasks within our company ( Kautex) as well as tasks with the parent company Textron.

What I wish was different

With this specific location, I do not believe they ever had HR interns before so they were not prepared. However I do not believe they will not be accepting anymore at this location because it is so small. I think the other interns at other locations had a really great learning experience!


For me, a priority is location. I was not looking to be in a specific area however I just wanted a company that had a lot of locations in great cities. Though Textron, is huge and all over the country, the locations did not necessarily appeal to me the best are probably in Dallas with Bell and in San Antonio with Kautex however with the San Antonio location it is very very small so the prospects of getting a job there are very small. If location is a priority to you just do your research and see if any of the locations really appeal to you. And these locations are not horrible other manufacturing companies have much worse options, but something to consider as it was such a high priority to me. Other than that, I think Textron overall is pretty great!
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