Johnstown Mill Rats

Box Office Manager

May 2021 - August 2022 • Johnstown, PA

What I liked

Overall, the atmosphere of the Mill Rats was friendly and laid back. My coworkers were the best part of the job, as they were fun to work with. When we had good attendance, it was also nice to feel the energy of the audience. Interacting with the community was rewarding.

What I wish was different

I wish I was given more responsibility. This was a seasonal position as it is a summer collegiate team, but I was there for the first year the team started and decided to come back again the next year. Management changed for the second year and when they brought me back again, I was led to believe that as Box Office Manager I would run the box office myself with my team so that my supervisors would be able to attend to issues inside the ballpark instead of having to worry about the box office. This is basically how it ran the first year that I worked there. When I had issues I needed help with, I was able to reach out to my direct supervisor, but for the most part, I held down the fort in the box office with my ticket sellers. I had access to the computer, I counted the money at the end of the night and made deposits to our safe. I handled tickets for group outings. I ran the box office fairly well that summer and received high praise from management the first year I worked there. However, this was not the case my second year when management changed. The new management originally told me I would be doing the same thing as last year and would run the box office as a manager. When I actually started working though, I was not given access to anything I had done last year. They treated me like just another ticket seller instead of a manager with actual authority. I didn't have access to the back end of the computer, I didn't make deposits, they changed the way group outings worked and I was not allowed to handle them. Despite the high praise I received last year and proof that I knew what I was doing, they did not give me the responsibility they promised me. Not to mention, their entire team was practically run by interns and they did not schedule their actual paid staff often. We had 3 whole employees for the box office, myself included. They regularly would only have two of us work at a time and sent us home early most nights. I was told to my face that if I did not come back next year, I would be replaced with an intern because that is one less person to pay. I did not receive enough hours to be worth the drive, and they did not respect my abilities. Frankly, I will not be going back under the new management. I know they have had a lot of success this year and I am happy for them, but this is not what I signed up for.


If you're looking for an internship that will give you a lot of experience, I would suggest reaching out. However, be warned that their team is basically run by only interns now, so you will be working your tail off. I don't suggest working here as an employee. However, I don't think they'll even be hiring next season anyway. The box office staff was told at the end of the season that we were welcome to come back, but that if we didn't, they wouldn't hire anyone new. They'll just be looking for more interns to replace us. Personally, that makes me feel like they are taking advantage of interns instead of actually paying employees.
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