Anyways becoming a Summer Camp Counselor is only for the Summer from the end of May to Mid- August. Summer Camp is a fair and semi-easy job to just watch kids and also have fun. I went to Six Flags, House of Air, Planet Granite, Bowling, Ice Skating, and some Giant games.
What I wish was different
Easy on the rules and not as a strike
It depends on the person if they are going to school in the city throughout the school year, you can network around and work in Aquatics, Front Desk, Fitness Center (if hiring), and Youth Athletics. The Jewish Community Center celebrates Jewish Holidays and culture so you have to respect the Community. It's an open community to take classes, play in Adult Basketball Leagues, attend some events, become a member which most of them cost money. You can also hang out in the cafe and in the Atrium (Lobby) which the community center does provide WiFi which is subject to agreement.