ION Marketing Group

About ION Marketing Group

We are a consumer engagement agency that creates integrated solutions to connect brands with consumers. We are:

- ESTABLISHED: Delivering strategic marketing solutions since 2005.
- COLLABORATIVE: Belief in the idea that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
- INDEPENDENT: Allowing us to act nimbly and provide on-demand services.
- ALTRUISTIC: Strong desire to work with our partners to improve the world in which we live.
- RESULTS DRIVEN: Our solutions deliver outcomes that evoke action.
- PASSIONATE: The perfect fusion of seasoned veterans and young whipper-snappers...and all of us voraciously enthusiastic.


Marketing Intern

July 2018 - September 2018 New York City, NY
“Joining the account and creative teams during brainstorm sessions and ideating experiential marketing events to pitch to potential clients. ”
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