Independent Support Services, Inc.

About Independent Support Services, Inc.

Independent Support Services, Inc. (ISS) facilitates and delivers Self-Directed and individualized supports to people with developmental disabilities. We encourage and foster the growth of this service model by providing Fiscal Intermediary services in alignment with New York State’s OPWDD Self-Direction plan. Our Long Island and Monticello, NY offices offer participants the resources and supports needed to Self-Direct his or her life and to make their own path.

Since its inception in 2003, and due to the tremendous success and popularity of Self-Direction, ISS has grown exponentially. In addition to being a Fiscal Intermediary, our Long Island and Monticello offices provide Broker and Self-Direction Coordination services. To avoid conflict of interests, we do not provide direct services. ISS today serves more than 1,700 participants on Long Island, NYC, Hudson Valley, and the Capital and Central Districts.

Our Mission: to provide person-centered, self-directed and individualized supports to people with developmental disabilities to assist them in making choices that will lead them to actualize their dreams.

Our Philosophy: Every person with a developmental disability can lead a Self-Determined life and will hopefully achieve happiness and success by being empowered to make his or her own decisions. We believe the road to making your own path is paved with inspiration, freedom of expression, the right to be self-reliant and the right to risk.

Our Function: Independent Support Services, Inc. is a leading Fiscal Intermediary (FI) not-for-profit agency, providing administrative support to people Self-Directing throughout New York State. As the FI, ISS supports the implementation of Self-Direction by allowing individuals and their families to:

Identify services and supports
Have employer and budget authority
Co-manage an approved budget with the FI agency

Operating as a co-manager, the participant and their family or guardian are the “managing employer” and ISS is the “employer of record”.



March 2020 Stony Brook, NY
“Working with my brother”

Support Staff/Community Habilitation

January 2018 Mineola, NY
“It is very rewarding and helps me get out of the house and do something good.”
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