Huron Consulting

Salesforce Analyst Intern

June - August 2019 • Buffalo, NY

What I liked

The culture of the office was very open, everyone was available to talk to and seek advice and guidance from. It was an environment that was very conducive to learning.

What I wish was different

The internship program was very unstructured, as it was only in its second year of existence. In this respect, it is up to you to seek out things to do and work on if there's not a lot on your plate.


Be proactive. Ask questions, ask to try things and don't be afraid to get help when you need it.
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Investment Banking Intern

June 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

My team culture was a perfect fit. I had a lot of laughs while learning a lot about the industry.

What I wish was different

Nothing, I was extremely happy with the way things went and my progression in the team.


Keep grinding, when the going gets tough keep chopping wood.
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Higher Education Consulting Intern

June - August 2019 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

I loved the whole experience! I was able to experience the consulting lifestyle by traveling throughout the week. During my times on Friday at the office, I was able to get to know the other interns and learn a lot about Huron's culture and people. It gave me great insight on what a full time consulting job would look like and I learned a significant amount about the higher education field!

What I wish was different


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Higher Education Consulting Analyst

September 2018 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

It is great being able to travel and do what I love. Being a part of the higher eduaction mission is extremely rewarding

What I wish was different



Don’t take the first job you are offered. I didn’t get this offer until the end of August. Do the work and it’ll pay off
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