Hub Group, Inc.

Highway Operations Intern

June 2018 • Pittsburgh, PA

What I liked

Team environment, great people

What I wish was different

Assign a project


Learn the terminology
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Marketing Intern

August 2018 • Oak Brook, IL

What I liked

The people are very friendly and create an amazing environment. The company truly cherishes they faculty and staff. The company uses sustainable practices.

What I wish was different

I wish there were more specific projects but I did enjoy the creative freedom.


Go out of you way to help everyone because it widens your experience.
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IT Configuration

May - August 2018 • Oak Brook, IL

What I liked

Learned a lot about IT, including business practices and technical skills. The team went above and beyond to help me grow and learn.

What I wish was different

No complaints. I was a little lost at first, but as lohg as you ask questions, you will learn.


Always be willing to learn and be respectful. An internship opportunity is a gift and the company owes you nothing. Do as much as you can with what they give you. Show that you are someone they want as a full time employee, not just an intern.
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