Howard Brown Health Center

About Howard Brown Health Center

Howard Brown Health was founded in 1974 and is now one of the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBTQ) organizations. With an annual budget of over $22 million, the agency serves more than 18,000 adults and youth each year in its diverse health and social service delivery system focused around seven major programmatic divisions: primary medical care, behavioral health, research, HIV/STI prevention, youth services, elder services, and community initiatives. Howard Brown serves men and women, infants, youth, and children through a multi-site operation based in Chicago that includes a main health and research center in the Uptown neighborhood, Howard Brown Sheridan, Howard Brown Halsted, the Broadway Youth Center, and three Brown Elephant resale shops in Chicago (Lakeview and Andersonville neighborhoods) and Oak Park.

Questions & Answers

If I were interested in an interim chief executive officer position at an organization like Howard Brown Health Center, how could I prep myself for the interview process?

Interview +6

What would it be like to become the interim CEO at an organization like Howard Brown Health Center?

Day in the Life +6
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