Harris Teeter, LLC


June - August 2023 • Davidson, NC

What I liked

Easy to learn

What I wish was different

Hours, pay, job roles, really strict about random things


make it clear how many hours you need and look for another job if you don’t get it
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April 2019 • Brambleton, VA

What I liked

Flexible schedule

What I wish was different

Distribution of responsibilities among workers


Working on Sundays is busier but pays more.
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Grocery Store Bagger

June - August 2021 • Alexandria, VA

What I liked

The amount of hours I got to work.

What I wish was different

The management communication.


Don't accept a job that you get hired on the spot.
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April 2018 • Chesapeake, VA

What I liked

My coworkers were amazing and made the shifts a lot better. I also loved interacting with the member of my community when they came through my line.

What I wish was different

The management struggled being a new store and definitely needed work.


Customer service is the most important aspect.
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Express Lane Selector

June - August 2020 • Cary, NC

What I liked

I liked my coworkers in the department I worked in and really enjoyed what I did

What I wish was different

I wish I would have been able to start working earlier and sometimes management can be hard to communicate with


It’s a good way to learn work ethic and communicate with others
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Express lane Order Selector

September 2017 • Belmont, NC

What I liked

The employees I work with

What I wish was different

COVID wasn’t around


I highly recommend appreciating your work and who you work with. Always remember you get what you work for
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January 2016 • Arlington County, VA

What I liked

I liked that my job was very flexible with me. I had many extra curricular activéis outside of work and they also allow me to come back from school to work during breaks. I also enjoyed the environment, everybody was friendly and welcoming.

What I wish was different

I wish we were given more benefits.


Work as much as you can during breaks because when you get to school, money starts going down the drain.
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March 2020 • Mooresville, NC

What I liked

Good entry level job. Busy.

What I wish was different

Could have a better break schedule.


Customer service skills will help you succeed.
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Starbucks barista

July 2019 - November 2020 • Charlotte, NC

What I liked

I loved connecting with customers and making drinks was fun!

What I wish was different

I wish scheduling was better.


I definitively would recommend applying to Harris teeter for anyone in need of a first job.
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Customer Service Representative

April - August 2020 • Corolla, NC

What I liked

I loved that I got to work for the same company I’ve been working with for 3 years in a different location. Not only was I helping the branch here but I got trained in areas that allowed me to gain even more customer service experience. This experience allowed me to gain a various range of skills that help me now and will eventually carry on into the near future. I love that I got to continue to work with a company who showed they cared even the more during a pandemic. Overall this was amazing because of the location and the great people I got to meet!

What I wish was different

I wish I could’ve stayed longer, but I had to return home for my fall semester of college.


Anytime you get an opportunity to go work away from home, take it. It takes you out of your comfort zone and ultimately pushes you to succeed in a different environment.
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personal shopper

March 2020 • Charlotte, NC

What I liked

I enjoyed working with a flexible schedule and great coworkers.

What I wish was different

I wish that we hadn't experienced the craziness of the start of COVID.


Don't let the customers get to you. There will always be an unsatisfied, rude customer but don't take it personally. Make the most of the opportunity to make connections with your coworkers.
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Frozen and Dairy Clerk

June 2020 • Greensboro, NC

What I liked

The job was straightforward and contributed to the store’s success.

What I wish was different

I wish I had known about the opening earlier.


Kindness and understanding go a long way, both personally and professionally.
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October 2019 • Boone, NC

What I liked

Meeting and helping people

What I wish was different

More time working than alotted


Be kind to people
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June 2019 • Arlington County, VA

What I liked

The understanding of the managers to ease me into the job and to be understanding when it came to picking and choosing my shifts, even while I'm in school

What I wish was different

That they scheduled more cashiers to come on the busier days like Thursday and Sunday.


It's a good starter job, but it can be draining if you're not the best at dealing with large amounts of people in quick succession.
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Cashier Manager

May 2019 • Charlotte, NC

What I liked

I liked the positive atmosphere and my friendly coworkers

What I wish was different

I wish I would have chosen a location closer to my house, but other than that it was great!


I think as a college student you should definitely get ahead when applying. I also advise you to try and work while at school to if possible because there are so many locations
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May 2019 • Greenville, SC

What I liked

What I wish was different


It’s a lot of hard work and you have to be on your a game
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August 2017 • Mooresville, NC

What I liked

Working as a part-time cashier at Harris Teeter has been lovely. I made some of my closest friends while working there. The actual job is not too difficult, and they train you very well. I felt that if I had any problems or questions I could definitely talk to someone working there.

What I wish was different

Working as a cashier can get really monotonous at times, but that goes for really anywhere you work. You also have to stay at your lane pretty much your whole shift.


Memorize the produce codes!! They come up so often that it's way easier instead of having to look them up every time.
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June - August 2019 • Alexandria, VA

What I liked

I liked that is was a low-pressure job having just come off my first year and wasn't really prepared to potentially get a real internship. Even though it wasn't an internship/job applicable to my career field of interest, I still was able to make money and have something for my resume that wasn't just babysitting.

What I wish was different

I wish I would have started looking earlier. I didn't start working until the end of June. So, I basically wasted all of May and June trying to find a job and I couldn't (as time went on it got harder because employers didn't want someone so temporary). It is more difficult than you think to get something, even if it is just working in a grocery store, so start early.


It is a good first job, but I wouldn't recommend if you want to start with a summer job/internship that's actually applicable to the field you are interested in. I had never had a real job, other than babysitting, so it was fine for me.
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Deli Clerk

June - September 2019 • Wilmington, NC

What I liked

Learned proper customer service techniques.

What I wish was different

I wish I didn't have to work so many closing hours.


Learn how to communicate with your supervisor and colleagues to better understand what is expected of you.
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March 2018 • Aldie, VA

What I liked

I liked working with others there

What I wish was different

The management


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