GreerWalker LLP

Forensic & Valuation Intern

May - July 2022 • Charlotte, NC

What I liked

The people are beyond kind and supportive across the entire firm- they couldn't have treated me better. It was great to learn more about a highly specialized field in the intersection of business and law while closely interacting with everyone on the team, including the Partners. I got especially familiar with the litigation process, a damages expert's role, and the necessary materials to be provided. I also got the chance to help in both a valuation and a reasonable compensation analysis, and some business development by reading prospective cases in the docket review. Firm and team held great events outside work as well.

What I wish was different

Having a few more structured responsibilities (like the docket review every Friday) would probably help reducing downtime. Same could apply to having a final project to work on. I also wish I helped more with the analysis than with the documents (reading, editing) but that's just part of the intern's role.


Pay very close attention to detail and get familiar with terms like complaints, plaintiffs, defendants, etc. Ask the reasoning behind the work or the rationale of a case to better understand the big picture. Take notes on how do everything during trainings.
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