Green Global Travel

About Green Global Travel

Green Global Travel is outdoor recreation & green living website focused on inspiring people to live more adventurously, consciously and sustainably.

Co-founded by veteran journalist Bret Love and photographer/videographer Mary Gabbett, the site has been highlighted among the best travel writing on the web numerous times by National Geographic. We’ve also been featured by BBC News, the Chicago Tribune, Forbes, Frommer’s, The Guardian, Huffington Post, Lonely Planet, NPR, Travel Channel, and The Washington Post. 

We have become increasingly in-demand as speakers and thought leaders, covering topics ranging from branding and social media marketing to responsible travel. We're featured speakers in Harvard University's Sustainable Travel lecture series, and have been a Guest Lecturer for the Tourism Management program at the University of Georgia. You can learn more about us via our Media Kit:


Marketing Intern

February 2019 - April 2019 Marietta, GA
“They responded quickly”
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