I liked being put in charge of my own project, and being able to work on it independently.
What I wish was different
I wish it had been more in-person, I missed on some team building cause of the virtual nature.
I would recommend anyone to work at Gore.
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Technical Intern
June - September 2019 • Elkton, MD
What I liked
They really listened to me during the interview and gave me a project that fit my interests well. I had a lot of freedom to do what I thought was most interesting. There were many other interns and we all sat together, it was fun getting to know them. Had the opportunity to interview for a full time job at the end of the internship. They subsidized my travel costs (I drove to the East coast). The East coast itself was an awesome place to spend a summer! Got to tour lots of new cities.
What I wish was different
It would’ve been tough to get around if I didn’t have a car. Many other interns ended up renting a car for the summer for this reason, because carpooling with other interns everywhere isn’t feasible. They also didn’t give me my offer until mid-March and if I had received other offers then I wouldn’t have been able to wait long enough to know whether I got an offer from Gore too.
Do it! I loved the entire experience.
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Industrial Engineer Intern
May - August 2019 • Flagstaff, AZ
What I liked
I enjoyed the atmosphere and the people who worked at the company.
What I wish was different
The process of knowing whether or not you got the job could be quicker.
Get ready to become very knowledgeable on your subject/work/research.
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Medical device assembler
July 2017 • Flagstaff, AZ
What I liked
Mini mart in the lunch room. Can listen to your music while you work.
What I wish was different
No temporary status.
Patients is key. The process is slow.
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Quality Assurance Intern
May - July 2017 • Phoenix, AZ
What I liked
The culture at Gore is amazing. I learned so much, and there were always people willing to help me or answer questions.
What I wish was different
I wish I had spent more time at the internship so I could learn more.
It is very important to get to know the people around you because you never know when you might need their help. Getting to know them helps you know who to ask first.
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Operations Intern
May - August 2017 • Flagstaff, AZ
What I liked
Everyone is so welcoming. I had legitimate projects that had significant impact to the company.
What I wish was different
I wish I had a little bit more work on my plate. It is hard with a 12 week internship to get lots of work but I enjoyed the work I had.
Get to know as many people as you can. "Expand your lattice". It is a great way to learn what you might want to do in the future and they can help with your projects.
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Mechanical Engineering Intern
May 2018 • Flagstaff, AZ
What I liked
Great company to work for! Great experience! Highest paying offer I received.
What I wish was different
I wish the application process had been earlier in the year.
Great internship opportunity. I highly recommend it.
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Procurement Assistant Intern
May - August 2018 • Elkton, MD
What I liked
I really liked how I had the opportunity to get hands-on experience and learn more about the procurement division of supply chain management. W. L. Gore & Associates gave me the exposure I needed to really determine that this is what I want to major in.
What I wish was different
The Gore culture is very team-based and focuses very heavily on working as a team to achieve any objective. A lot of times, these objectives are across a few different platforms so communication between everyone has to be a strength.
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Technical Intern
May - August 2018 • Santa Clara, CA
What I liked
Collaborative environment where interns were valued, helped, and allowed to grow and learn.
What I wish was different
Speak to as many people as you can; everyone has a unique journey and interesting advice!