Free People, LLC

Senior Stylist

May 2022 • Bellevue, WA

What I liked

I love getting to talk to people all day long! It's also really gratifying to be helping people find what they need and find clothes that make them feel beautiful or sexy or put-together or on-the-trends. I work mostly with middle-aged women, some elderly women, and some young adults.

What I wish was different

Rather than a wish, it's a hope that if I work retail again, I can try working in management rather than sales. I got the offer, though!


Confidence and poise are key to landing jobs in sales! You don't have to have all the experience or credentials in the world if you show an eagerness to learn and the confidence to be assertive. I got this job by walking into the store and presenting my resume face-to-face with the manager, and she told me later-on that that's what made me stand out. I now have worked for them for a few years, and they'll let me pick up shifts whenever I'm in town for breaks too.
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fashion stylist

February 2018 • Miami Beach, FL

What I liked

I love meeting really cool customers in our store, not to mention the awesome benefits!

What I wish was different

I wish that some styles were different in terms of management.


Retail is not for everyone, and it is hard but I love a challenge. Its been a blast working here.
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Stylist/sales associate

June - August 2018 • Denver, CO

What I liked

Fun work atmosphere. All of the employees were very friendly and helpful

What I wish was different

I wish that my availability had been taken into account more. I was always working more hours than I told them I wanted to be working.


Be very uptfront about how much you want to work or else they will have you working the maximum amount of hours possible.
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June - September 2018 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

Working with a team!

What I wish was different

Wish I would have been able to be involved in more event planning.


Retail is not for everyone
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Stylist at Free People

May 2018 • Grand Rapids, MI

What I liked

I liked the people skills I gained through this experience and I also enjoyed the sales tips I learned from my managers along the way

What I wish was different

Ideally, I am going into sports marketing, so I wish I had been working a job related to sports marketing or management.


Even small, "simple" summer jobs make a big difference. Not everyone is going to walk into Junior year with an internship. Don't stress!
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May - August 2018 • Durham, NC

What I liked

My coworkers, the atmosphere, the clothing

What I wish was different

Pay, more hours


Great if you’re looking for a second job. It is impossible to support yourself on only this job though.
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