FedEx Ground

Package Handler

June - August 2020 • Cypress, TX

What I liked

The hours were okay. It was a very fast paced job

What I wish was different

The pay rate


Work out more for sure !
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Package Handler

June - August 2021 • East Greenbush, NY

What I liked

It was a workout at work everyday.

What I wish was different



Drink a lot of water before work and drink plenty during work.
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Package Handler

July - August 2021 • Hudson, CO

What I liked

Sense of community and the fact that people seem to genuinely care about you.

What I wish was different

Probably the way scheduling and setting up Direct Deposit works.


Be prepared for physical labor. It's a simple job and the benefits are great, but is physically demanding.
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Package Handler

August - October 2021 • Chino Hills, CA

What I liked

The people and the money

What I wish was different

Better managers and a longer lunch


Don’t let a job consume you and take over your life, take time to yourself to go hangout with friends and do the things you enjoy to stay mentally healthy.
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Package Handler

November 2020 - August 2021 • Twinsburg, OH

What I liked

If you like to be busy, it is very work intensive and time goes by fast

What I wish was different

I wish I could come into work earlier


It is extremly labor intensive. It will get a lot easier though, after a couple of weeks, your body will get used to it
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Tank Truck Loader

June - August 2021 • Bethlehem, PA

What I liked

I liked the pay and the people I worked with.

What I wish was different

I wish there were more dedicated workers.


Slow things down because if you try to keep up , it will not be a fun exprience
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Delivery Driver

March - August 2021 • Englewood, CO

What I liked

Excellent employer, good pay, enjoyable work.

What I wish was different

I wish it had been related to my field.


This job requires attention to detail, ambition, and professionalism .
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Package Handler

June - August 2020 • Mt. Juliet, TN

What I liked

The pace of the job

What I wish was different

The amount of people working there


Always be prepared to work, no matter how you are feeling.
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Package Handler

April - July 2020 • Newark, CA

What I liked

High paying during rough economic period. Physical work.

What I wish was different

More consistent hours/length of shift (was load dependent)


Must be physically capable and work at high speed.
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Package Handler

May - August 2020 • Lock Haven, PA

What I liked

The hard working people that were there to do the job efficiently and correctly without cutting corners or putting anyone in harms way.

What I wish was different

Management was a bit disorganized and certain shifts were heavily understaffed which would cause severe back ups for other shifts to clean up.


Come into it with an open mind and be honest with yourself, do you want to do the job. It's A simple job but it is strenuous and doing it in the summer it was very hot and you left after a shift like you just went to the gym for 5 hours.
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Package Handler

May 2020 • Sioux City, IA

What I liked

I enjoyed the people, and the hours were fairly manageable.

What I wish was different

We were underemployed, which meant that each person was doing a lot more work than they should have been at times. Also, I'm not much of an early morning person, so 3 am (and sometimes earlier) start times were not fun.


Make sure you bring water and the expectation that you will be working hard and fast for hours at a time.
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Package Handler

May - August 2020 • Grove City, OH

What I liked

I really enjoyed the pay and the hours.

What I wish was different

I wish that some of the people working there would embrace an encouraging, positive atmosphere, instead of engaging in degrading someone. The job culture was something to be desired. It seemed to me that some of the managers at this location lacked in leadership skills, namely integrity, knowledge of their jobs, and working well with others. That didn't apply to just the managers, but some of my other coworkers as well.


My advice is to do your very best and work hard, even if someone attempts to tell you otherwise. Other people cannot judge you for who you are as a person, and never blame yourself because someone told you that your self-worth is low. Another piece of advice is to work well with others as best as you know how, even if you don't always see eye to eye. Remember, judge not, lest you be judged.
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FedEx Package Handler

May - August 2020 • Syracuse, NY

What I liked

The pay was very competitive-especially for someone with only a high school diploma. Shifts are only 6 hours long but you are always allowed to pick up doubles and work 9-12 hour shifts. This is really nice if you're trying to save money because overtime pay is really great.

What I wish was different

I wish the hours were a bit better. I didn't like working nights and sleeping during the day.


You must be somewhat physically fit. This is a very physically demanding job where you work extremely hard sorting thousands of packages. I think I may have lost a few pounds working here though! haha! :)
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Package Handler

June - July 2020 • Twinsburg, OH

What I liked

The camaraderie, the pay rate, and the friendly, helpful, and supportive managers.

What I wish was different

I wish i could have worked a shift during the day instead of the 3rd shift which started at 2am. I also became burned out after working 6-7 hours without an official break for 6 days per week.


If pursuing this position, sleep is not merely very important, but rather imperative. I have learned the importance of getting over 6 hours of sleep. I recommend buying blackout curtains and blindfolds to sleep well if working as a 3rd shift package handler. That being said, your body will certainly get used to the physical demand of the job.
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Package Handler

June - August 2020 • Rogers, MN

What I liked

Good pay and good people to work with usually.

What I wish was different

Less lying and false promises. I tried changing shifts twice and was lied to about it twice.


Sign up for your shifts FAR ahead of time.
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