Dreamworks Animation

Central Production Intern

May - August 2019 • Glendale, CA

What I liked

I loved working on one of the films with the production staff as well as with many of the artists. Everyone was so kind and really wanted me to get the most out of my experience. It was very hands-on learning and extremely involved, so I learned things quickly and was fully immersed in the production pipeline. I got to work with the story and editorial, art, layout, animation, cfx and crowds, fx and matte painting, and lighting departments and it was extremely educational. All of my supervisors pushed me while being very patient and understanding, and the company atmosphere was amazing. I could take introductory classes on different steps of the pipeline as well and had access to all the lunch figure and gesture drawing classes. I absolutely loved working here.

What I wish was different

The only thing I would ever change about my experience is wishing it could have been longer, for fitting all of that within 12 weeks was pretty chaotic, and I wish I had gotten to spend more time with each department, of course. But, as that's the nature of a summer internship, it isn't something that I believe should or could be changed.


I would really recommend anyone who wants to apply for a position with the company to take the time (however much that is) to send in the best quality of work with your resume, cover letter, etc. that you possibly can. The company takes their applicants very seriously, and if you don't show that you're willing to work really hard in the application process, they probably can't trust that you will in your job. Also, be yourself and answer questions how you really feel, because the people at DreamWorks value honesty and unique qualities, and so they will value your answers and you will be set apart. Then, if you ever get hired there, just give it all the effort you have and your supervisors will be very proud and supportive of you!
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Creative Marketing Intern

May - August 2019 • Glendale, CA

What I liked

Great work environment and cool to be around such creative content.

What I wish was different

Got out of my desk more


Talk to people and ask questions.
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Character Designer

May - August 2019 • Provo, UT

What I liked

I worked freelance. They were flexible when I had a family emergency happen. Great people!

What I wish was different



Communicate when you are having a hard time. They understand and will help you out!
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Production Intern

May - August 2019 • Los Angeles, CA

What I liked

The creative community and inclusive culture the company fostered.

What I wish was different

I wish I got to explore more parts of the company. But really great other than that.


People love to give advice, so always reach out to meet with people (while still doing your intern duties). Also never be afraid to ask for help!
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R&D Software Engineering Intern

May - August 2017 • Los Angeles, CA

What I liked

A great opportunity to gain exposure to all aspects of the 3D pipeline.

What I wish was different


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Television Production Intern

May - August 2018 • Glendale, CA

What I liked

Working with other people that were passionate about storytelling. Also, Dreamworks gives you free breakfast and lunch, so that's really good for interns on a budget. I got to do almost everything an actual production assistant does and was given tasks that mattered, not just busy work. The community there is very nice.

What I wish was different

I wish I had been able to do art, but they do not do artistic internships because of union policies, which is understandable. I should have asked to meet with more people earlier, I was very busy and kind of forgot we could do that until half-way through.


Ask what your team expects from you work-wise, ask them what is acceptable socially in the studio, every team and every animation studio has different expectations and unspoken rules. Always ask questions, it's better to ask than to assume and then do something wrong.
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Feature Development Intern

May - August 2018 • Glendale, CA

What I liked

The team was super fun and I learned a lot.

What I wish was different


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