Downtown Boise Association

About Downtown Boise Association

Downtown Boise Association is a non-profit organization that promotes economic development by working to keep the heart of Idaho’s Capital City a vibrant, fun, engaging place to be and a successful environment to do business!

DBA manages the Downtown Boise Business Improvement District, a publicly sanctioned, privately directed district that supplements public service to enhance the safety, cleanliness, image, vitality, and competitiveness of the heart of our city – downtown. We serve our members; our property owners, businesses, merchants, customers, and visitors. We provide services that range from planting flowers and cleaning sidewalks, to hosting lively and exciting events and marketing downtown as a destination experience. Our goal is to keep and bring more business, more meetings, more celebrations, and more guests downtown every day.


Event Planner Intern

May 2018 - August 2018 Boise, ID
“The type of work The atmosphere of the work place The people I worked with and my mentor ”
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