Dome Construction

Project Engineer

May - August 2019 • San Francisco, CA

What I liked

Dome welcomes you with open arms to their family and never introduced me as an intern. They had a great on-boarding program that made you understand their systems and how they operated as a company and as a team. The expectations are well expressed because they want you to be the best you can and they want you to know that help is there if you need it but they really want to see what you could do on your own. Greatest internship out of 3 by far for CM Majors.

What I wish was different

At some points when the project was a bit more self sustaining, i found myself getting a little board and useless at times. This is always a great time to ask more questions and speak to the trades more about what they're doing.


Internships are a great way to introduce yourself to your career field and gives plenty of real life exposure and experience. For CM's, these internship opportunities should be far taken advantage of since most majors don't have the same chance. Plus, all GC's are willing to pay a good amount to have you help out which is a win-win scenario.
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Project Engineer

July 2018 • South San Francisco, CA

What I liked

They are really big about giving back to the community.

What I wish was different

Salary negotiation could have been better.


The big companies are always the best. There is a lot more learning opportunities in smaller companies.
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Project Engineer Intern

June - September 2017 • South San Francisco, CA

What I liked

Dome did not give me busy intern work, they treated me as a regular employee and I was held to a full time employee standards

What I wish was different

I wish I was able to see multiple projects, I saw just one the entire summer.


Ask as many questions as you can think of, learn something new every single day. Do not take the opportunity for granted.
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