
Medical Scribe

June 2018 • Lewisville, TX

What I liked

I love the experiences you get to be a part of while working alongside doctors, nurses, and other allied health professionals. I learned a lot of information in a short amount of time from them, as well as from first hand experiences with patients in the exam room.

What I wish was different

There is not much I wish had been different. I do wish we got paid more for the work we do, as we work long hours with irregular schedules. Otherwise, the experience has been very illuminating to what it is like to work in the Emergency Room.


My advice for anyone who is considering undergoing a similar experience would be to remain dedicated to your job. Don't give up on the bad days. Learn from your mistakes. Educate yourself everyday on concepts you are not comfortable with. My last piece of advice is to remain compassionate, despite how much toughening up is required to work in the field of medicine.
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Medical Scribe

June 2017 - September 2018 • Arlington, TX

What I liked

It is easy work and you get a lot of great experience in observing patient care interactions, and its a wonderful opportunity to learn a lot about healthcare from an emergency perspective.

What I wish was different

The pay is not great, and sometimes the schedule can be horrendous.


You have to be proactive in making the experience worth while. Ask lots of questions, learn some of the diagnostics that go along with patient work ups.
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