Flexible work hours, the variety of activities (data analysis, field experience, and farm work), and the freedom to design my own project.
What I wish was different
Approach research with an open mind. I thought I wouldn't enjoy data analysis, and now I'm considering it as a future career!
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Admissions Recruitment Intern
September 2018 • Carlisle, PA
What I liked
I love the fact that I am given many responsibilities and independence to complete them. I love that I work in a caring job environment that understands my needs as a student and professional.
What I wish was different
Use all of your connections! All of the admissions counselors know people who know other people.
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Undergraduate Research Assistant
July 2018 • Hafnarfjörður, Reykjavík
What I liked
I learned so much and am still working with the data to present parts of it at a conference this December. Truly an amazing experience!
What I wish was different
We ran into some tough weather while there, which made our field work difficult some days. It was the greyest and windiest summer since 1914 in Iceland!
Dickinson has so many great opportunities for people. Sometimes you have to go looking for the opportunities, but they are there either working with professors or starting your own project. I’m thankful for having this wonderful opportunity.
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Economic Research Assistant
June 2018 • Carlisle, PA
What I liked
Working alongside two economics professors and another student, I had a taste of scholarly paper writing for publication. I became more familiar with the natural disasters and debt literature. More importantly, the level of originality and precision required of us makes every task more challenging and is helping me to further develop my professional skills.
What I wish was different
During the semester everyone becomes a lot busier, and the research progress has been slowed down. I know that I personally would make fewer commitments so I could focus more on this research. I also wish the same for my co-authors.
Take advantage of a small liberal arts college and reach out to professors about doing a research with them if that is the type of opportunities that you are interested in. There are no graduate students in competition with us, and the professors give us full attention.
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Master Gardening Intern
September 2016 • Carlisle, PA
What I liked
The flexibility, learning hands on about garden management and techniques, working in the dirt, getting exercise
What I wish was different
Nothing, I loved it.
If something interests you, seek out an internship. I came up with the idea of working for the College Master gardeners, got in contact with them, and they made a position for me.