Designetics, Inc.

Mechanical Engineering Co-Op

May 2024 • Holland, OH

What I liked

Working for Designetics was a great experience. I really learned a lot about a variety of different things while applying engineering skills to practical applications. Most of my tasks were based around designing solutions for internal projects. This involved a lot of CAD work which I really enjoy. I managed entire projects during my term, through which I gained a lot of practical experience in applied engineering. I got to take an idea from planning, through design iterations, testing, and data collection, all the way to approval and completion, which I thought was a great experience and really cool. It was a great work environment, and the people were easy and fun to work with.

What I wish was different

I enjoyed my time with Designetics, so much so that I will continue remotely work with them through the next semester, so I don't wish much went differently. However, I do wish there was a bit more variety in the work. I fully understand that that is quite hard in a manufacturing setting where you have a limited number of products, but many of my tasks were very similar. I often found myself having to leave my desk to do something new, and would often machine my own parts to change things up a little. But in the grand scheme of things, I do not wish it had been much different.


Come into things with an open mind. I was given several tasks based around things that I had little to no experience with (Arduino, production methods, etc). Instead of approaching a task with hesitance, I embraced the challenge and got to work on it trying to find a solution. Every time I learned something new (machining methods, efficient CAD practices, Excel tricks, etc.). I went in to work everyday wanting to learn something new, and came out more knowledgeable because of it.
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