Department of the Interior

About Department of the Interior

ONRR manages and ensures full payment of revenues owed for the development of the Nation's energy and natural resources on the Outer Continental Shelf and onshore Federal and Indian lands. In performing this important fiduciary role, ONRR collects an average of over $10 billion dollars in annual revenue - one of the Federal government's largest sources of non-tax revenue.

Every American benefits from the revenues ONRR collects; either directly through payments to Tribes and individual Indian mineral owners, or, indirectly through contributions to the Historic Preservation Fund, the Land and Water Conservation Fund, and the Reclamation Fund, and disbursements to States and the U.S. Treasury.


National Park Ranger

May 2019 - September 2019 Forks, WA
“The flexibility, government benefits, working outside, using me degree, was able to take an online class.”

Wildland Firefighter

May 2019 - October 2019 Vernal, UT
“The people I worked with and spending a lot of time outside.”
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