Democracy North Carolina

Organizing Intern

May - July 2020 • Durham, NC

What I liked

I love that I got to connect with many individuals in the community that shared their experience with us on how they advocating for better early voting opportunities especially with COVID in our midst.

What I wish was different

I wish our internship could have been in person but due to COVID it was moved to virtual.


That organizing has paved the way for a lot of changes that are taking place when it comes to government and policy.
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Organizing Intern

May - July 2021 • Greensboro, NC

What I liked

I absolutely loved the environment at Democracy NC. The work environment values each worker as a human being first. In fact, we were called 'friendterns' instead of interns! I also am very grateful for all that I learned and all of the hands on experience I got. I know now how to effectively lobby for voters rights and so much more about organizing as a profession!

What I wish was different


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