Delaware County District Attorney's Office

How should I approach the interview process for a forensic accounting co-op at the Delaware County District Attorney's Office?

I believe the smartest preparation strategy would be to understand the definition and function of white collar crime and relate it to how problem solving is something you frequent. Also, you should be able to explain your resume without any hesitation. The interviewer will most likely ask 3-5 sta...
Internship Interview Co-Op Law Enforcement Delaware County District Attorney's Office Forensic Accounting
1 answer

I'm curious about what a forensic accounting co-op may be like at the Delaware County District Attorney's Office.

Well, you walk into the white collar crime unit, usually have one of the detectives make fun of something your wearing or doing, then simply hop onto your computer and analyze the case file or cases given to you to work. Most of the work is reconciling the actual numbers with the fraudulent numbe...
Internship Day in the Life Co-Op Law Enforcement Delaware County District Attorney's Office Forensic Accounting
1 answer