Davis County Sheriff's Office

About Davis County Sheriff's Office

We are a full service Sheriff's Office handling law enforcement,corrections,court and EMS services in Davis County Utah.
To serve the citizens of Davis County by:
Ensuring equal protection under the law, providing emergency medical services and fulfilling our statutory and traditional obligations.
We are committed to being frugal and efficient with public funds and utilizing all available resources to their fullest potential.


Correctional Treatment Specialist

January 2019 Farmington, UT
“The Sheriffs Office has always treated me kindly and fairly. My supervisors are aware and concerned with my ambitions for the future and want to help me get there. I’ve always been made to feel important and well-liked at the office. Performance evaluations are conducted regularly and fairly. There are a variety of positions available for people interested in a variety of different things.”

Paramedic Intern

June 2019 - August 2019 Farmington, UT
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