Colorado College State of the Rockies Project

About Colorado College State of the Rockies Project

The State of the Rockies Project enhances understanding of and action to address socio-environmental challenges in the Rocky Mountain West through collaborative student-faculty research, education, and stakeholder engagement.

Our Goals:
Facilitate faculty-student collaborative research on critical socio-environmental issues in the Rocky Mountain West.
Disseminate research through academic publications and presentations.
Share research and Conservation in the West poll findings with community stakeholders and political leaders.
Increase campus-wide understanding of the socio-environmental challenges facing the Rocky Mountain Region and what is being done to address these challenges.


Research Fellow

June 2019 Colorado Springs, CO
“I loved my advisor and loved being in the springs over the summer. ”


June 2019 - August 2019 Colorado Springs, CO
“The program was directed by a professor whom I highly respect and is skilled at giving critical and constructive feedback. The program had ample funding to support the fellows' various endeavors. ”
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