
Loan Operations Intern

June - August 2023 • Denver, CO

What I liked

The company culture was great. Everyone is/was super nice and is always willing to help you out with something if you didn't understand it. The housing stipend was very helpful as well. The connection days in the office also helped many people meet more associates and management.

What I wish was different

I wish there had been more intern events that were planned. The intern summit was a great experience along with Grange Hall, but it would have been nice to have a hike or company event to go as interns.


Don't be afraid to ask for help. Everyone is more than willing to help you with any questions that you might have. All of the senior management members are more than happy to accept some one on one talks, you just have to be proactive in setting them up.
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Data Governance Intern

May - August 2023 • Greenwood Village, CO

What I liked

I enjoyed the work environment! Had the opportunity to work hybrid which I was thankful for, and the days I did go into the office I really liked all the amenities available as well. Everyone I worked with and interacted with were very approachable and welcoming.

What I wish was different

I don't handle repeated elevator rides very well, so more accessible stairs would have been nice.


Get to know people! There are a ton of learning opportunities here, and many people will sit down and answer any questions you have when they have time if you make the effort to reach out.
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Credit/Finance Analyst Intern

May - August 2023 • Denver, CO

What I liked

Super supportive work environment. My managers were always asking me about new things I wanted to learn about, and including me in important meetings and calls. Interview and onboarding process was seamless, however I would advise starting it earlier. The building and amenities were a big plus - subsidized costs for breakfast and lunch were great. Also had interactions with the CEO, CRO, CFO, and all management of the bank, which is really unique.

What I wish was different

I had an amazing experience and wouldn't have changed anything, besides moving up the recruitment timeline.


The Farm Credit System is really unique and it offers some great opportunities. I knew nothing about it going in, and I feel much more passionate about the mission after the internship. I wasn't familiar with CoBank much before, but they are much more involved in the financial services industry than I would have guessed.
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Data Strategy Intern

June - August 2023 • Denver, CO

What I liked

CoBank provided an environment filled with camaraderie amongst coworkers and passion about the work being done; truly the perfect place to delve into the corporate world for the first time. From interviewing through to the conclusion of my internship, CoBank provided a network of support, whether it be the HR team being constantly available, aiding me with finding housing as an out-of-state employee, or meeting with every member of the C Suite in an effort to share the wealth of knowledge CoBank leadership has. On top of the generous hourly wage, interns were given a housing stipend to aid with the cost of living in a big city. Coming into work every day was a pleasure, backed by a mission-driven organization and their exceptional staff.

What I wish was different

CoBank's recruitment timeline is a bit later than other companies, so it was difficult to plan my summer, as I didn't receive my job offer until April.


Be open-minded! I didn't know much about rural America or the Farm Credit System as a San Francisco native, and was concerned about my lack of knowledge, but CoBank provided plenty of information regarding the work being done; the Farm Credit System is a fascinating intersection of people, the federal government, and finance!
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ESG Intern

May 2023 • Denver, CO

What I liked

The culture at CoBank was easy-going, relaxed, yet not complacent. People cared about their jobs deeply, wanted to grow the company, and were passionate. The HR team did an amazing job at organizing the intern experience, providing a housing stipend, and allowing us to have tremendous exposure to leadership. We had meetings with many of the executive members and within my team, I was given truly meaningful work and felt like I made a contribution to CoBank this summer.

What I wish was different

I didn't end up living in the housing partner at UC Denver, but I heard that the dorms were not very nice and were in an unsafe/noisy area. Otherwise, not very much. I know there are some limitations on what CoBank can organize, but I think a few more CoBank-hosted intern social events would have been nice.


I think that going into this experience, effort is required to get the most out of learning from coworkers, taking initiative on projects, asking questions, and asking to attend meetings/ conferences is something I learned throughout the summer. Without actively engaging in the material and being proactive about seeking opportunities for personal and professional growth during the summer, you are selling yourself, and your employer, short. CoBank employees and incredibly happy and willing to help you and provide you with opportunities, you just have to be ready to ask for them.
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May - August 2023 • Greenwood Village, CO

What I liked

Housing Stipend Great Building Friendly Team Caring Managers

What I wish was different

More intern sponsored events/networking


Collaborative working environment where you get to learn professional and technical skills
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Software Engineering Intern

May - August 2018 • Denver, CO

What I liked

I had the most amazing summer at CoBank. I learned so much, got my first taste of Corporate America, gained so much experience through various projects and tasks that have helped me figure out what I want to do in my career. I got to present in front of my mentors, I got to attend meetings, forums, trainings. I met some amazing people and got the opportunity to interact with the CEO, CIO, and CFO. I will be walking away from CoBank with so many wonderful memories and valuable knowledge. I will always remember my CoBank experience as a very special. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of it.

What I wish was different

Overall, I had an amazing experience and would not change anything. However, it would be very cool if we got to sit in on interviews of positions we may apply for in the future or got to be in an interview role play with the Hiring Managers.


Thank you so much for an incredible summer and I am so thankful to have gotten this opportunity. I will forever remember CoBank and the amazing people I have met here. They have inspired me, supported me, and given me valuable information and knowledge that I will use for the rest of my career. I will really miss CoBank
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