The Coatesville Area School District is committed to providing students with excellent educational experiences that prepare students for post secondary schooling and careers. The academic programming in the Coatesville Area School District is rigorous and has a rich history of producing students who continue their education in widely recognized trade schools, colleges, and universities including Ivy League institutions of learning such as Harvard, and Yale. The Coatesville Area High School offers sixteen Advanced Placement Courses. During the 2013-2014 school year Coatesville Senior High AP Students outperformed their counterparts across the Commonwealth and across the Globe. Coatesville Area High School students enjoy a beautiful campus learning environment in buildings that host state of the art science laboratories, technology classrooms, and premium art and music facilities.
Middle School students in the Coatesville Area School District also enjoy challenging academic coursework that prepares them for their high school experiences. Middle School students also enjoy renovated facilities that host science laboratories, new wireless systems, STEM programming, World Language instruction in grades 6,7 and 8, and continued instruction in the arts.
Elementary students in the Coatesville Area School District enjoy a rich learning experience at one of six elementary schools. Students instruction in reading, writing, speaking and listening is embedded across the content areas. Elementary students benefit from science instruction through FOSS, a hands on, experiential approach to science instruction.
The Coatesville Area School District is a great place to live and work. Our schools are staffed with highly qualified, caring teachers who are dedicated to the academic success of each child. In addition, the Coatesville Area School District administrators are highly qualified, passionate educational leaders that are committed to creating schools that serve all children. The Coatesville Area School District teachers and administrators are supported by a Community that loves its' children and its' schools, and partners with the District on multiple initiatives. Together, we make a difference!