Clark Construction Group

Summer Associate

May - August 2023 • McLean, VA

What I liked

The opportunity was great. I learned a ton. (Paid housing and parking in DC was certainly a plus). The program itself has an organized structure. Clark puts a lot of time and care into their interns.

What I wish was different

I wish I had interacted with more people and grown closer with my team. The office atmosphere was pretty quiet and most people kept to themselves.


Don't hesitate to speak up and advocate for yourself if there's something within the construction industry you'd like to experience. The position is fairly flexible!
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Summer Associate

June - August 2021 • Bethesda, MD

What I liked

I loved experiencing and learning about the world of construction! I especially loved that Clark Construction allowed us to be exposed to different aspects of the construction world.

What I wish was different


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Business Analyst Intern

June - August 2022 • Bethesda, MD

What I liked

You are responsible for a lot quickly! It was a great learning experience and are really valued as a part of the team even as an intern.

What I wish was different


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May - August 2021 • Washington, DC

What I liked

Responsibilities given and project exposure

What I wish was different

nothing! it was a great experience


Make the most of all the opportunities they give you
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Summer Associate

May - August 2021 • Bethesda, MD

What I liked

I loved meeting the people at Clark and getting to be so directly involved in the construction process! Everyday was a learning experience, whether it was doing on-site walks, writing RFIs/submittals, or participating in coordination meetings.

What I wish was different



Don't leave work unless you can confidently state at least one new thing that you learned that day - make the most out of your internship!
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Summer Associate

June - August 2021 • Washington, DC

What I liked

The internship program was excellent and involved many interns from across the country interacting with each other. There was also an opportunity to see many parts of the business.

What I wish was different

I would have liked to visit more projects or get to be on multiple projects throughout the summer.


There is an opportunity to gain insight to many aspects of the construction industry.
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Summer Associate

June - August 2020 • Washington, DC

What I liked

Every employee is incredibly welcoming and wants to help you learn more about the industry. There are plenty of opportunities to branch out and make connections, see other projects, and gain an understanding of the different phases of construction. Company leadership is very approachable and open to conversations with every level of employee.

What I wish was different


Take advantage of every opportunity! If there is something you want to see (i.e. a tower crane, different project, specific style of delivery, etc.), just ask and there's a very good chance someone on the team can make it happen!
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Summer Associate

June - August 2020 • Washington, DC

What I liked

Clark was able to provide a comprehensive summer associate experience in the midst of a global pandemic. The first month of the internship involved a virtual aspect where Clark ensured that each summer associate received ample training. This detailed training was applicable to each aspect of the construction industry. In the second month of the program summer associates were able to work on-site and learn valuable field experience.

What I wish was different


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June 2019 • San Diego, CA

What I liked

Great company culture and people.

What I wish was different

Noting it is great already.


Make sure you're dedicated and take initiatives.
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Summer Associate

June - August 2019 • San Francisco, CA

What I liked

Clark makes sure that Summer Associates are given real responsibilities within their project team. Since my project was in pre-con still I was mentored not only by my team, but also by very knowledgeable colleagues in estimating, VDC, procurement, and other departments I had to work in. Additionally, the main office for Clark is more professional than most job site trailers which is a great environment to work in and to continue your learning through regularly scheduled lunch and learn sessions or just by participating in project meetings.

What I wish was different

I wish there had been more Summer Associate events where we all got together like baseball games, bowling, etc as site tours and working on our capstone projects were the only times we got together as a group since Summer Associates are typically spread out and not all working on the same project.


My advice is to take advantage of every lunch and learn, Clark Corporate University classes, Clark sports teams, and any other opportunity outside of your assigned role as it will allow you to get to know the company and people better while also allowing you to learn skills that will help you excel at your job in the future. If you want to help with something or take on more responsibility ask and they will give it to you as this is something I did not take advantage of enough.
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Summer Associate

May - August 2018 • Lorton, VA

What I liked

Very well structured intern program, gave me lots of responsibility and provided lots of fun social events

What I wish was different

More interaction with the other interns, since I was on a job site most of the summer working with full time employees.


Meet as many people as possible
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