City of Chandler

About City of Chandler

City of Chandler Mission Statement

We are committed to serve Chandler’s citizens through teamwork, understanding, and dedication in a professional and responsive manner.

“In Chandler, Values make the difference.”

Very Service Oriented
Assume Responsibility
Look for Innovation
Use Open Communication
Everyone Counts
Support Team Chandler


Operation Back to School

June 2020 - June 2020 Chandler, AZ
“What I liked about the volunteer experience were the organizers with For Our City Chandler. They were extremely compassionate and obviously loved what they do giving back to the community. They were cheerful, friendly and knew how to run things providing all of the volunteers with clear directions on the project.”

Pool Lifeguard

April 2015 - July 2019 Chandler, AZ
“Management super nice and easygoing. Fun job, get to work with cute kids.”
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