About CDP

CDP offers technology to help protect, enhance, create, and manage business and organizational solutions. Drawing from years of industry experience and common sense, CDP’s service is built around clients’ evolving personal and professional needs. To achieve the greatest possible results, we look to the most pragmatic, simplest solutions, and we do so with uncompromising dedication to our clients and the quality of our work.

Based in Troy, Michigan, CDP provides services to over 600 clients across the country with varying requirements, both in scope and scale and as disparate as the regions in which they live and operate.

CDP is more than 20 years in the making, and with its uniquely trained and talented professionals, brings ever newer energy to its oldest mission: to serve.


Computer Science Intern

August 2016 - August 2018 Troy, MI
“The versatility and cross-functional teamwork accross the company. I've touched areas not only in computer science but systems engineering and business diciplines as well.”

Marketing Intern

June 2016 Troy, MI
“-There are a lot of different projects that you'll get to work on. These projects are generally much more involved than that of a typical internship. -Very friendly environment, diverse, and inclusive. -Fun social events at the office -Small business atmosphere -Working with other interns for cross-functional projects.”
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