
February - August 2018 • St. Petersburg, FL

What I liked

I love the cause that CASA stands for. I think it's amazing what they're doing in the community, and I was very very glad to be a part of their program and helping them in any way that I could. From sorting donations in the thrift store, to running the front desk in the office, to sorting food at the food truck when it was delivered to the shelter, to assisting with a fundraiser, I really enjoyed my experiences with CASA and I can't wait to go back again.

What I wish was different

Nothing, I think my experiences at CASA we're amazing. I've only stopped volunteering because I now have a job, and unfortunately I don't have time to volunteer and work at the same time in my schedule.


Be kinder to those around you. I know this is really cliche, but you really don't know what's going on in people's lives. CASA helps domestic abuse victims, which is something that's really deep and really serious. And you know you never know what's going on in that lady's life across the street, or with that man that lives next door to you, you know. Just be kinder to people in your life because they could be going through something really difficult and you don't know it.
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