Technology Intern

May - August 2019 • Columbus, OH

What I liked

I got the opportunity to work on a development team that worked on a new web application for CAS. Instead of one big project, I was assigned cards from the Sprint Board. This allowed me to work on several parts of the application and it gave me a better understanding of what it would be like to be a full time software engineer at CAS. I learned both front and back end technologies, testing frameworks, and Agile development practices. In addition, there were numerous intern events where I got to hear from and meet executives, employees, and other interns across several functional areas. Overall, It was a fantastic opportunity that allowed me to grow as a software engineer and a professional. I highly recommend an internship at CAS!

What I wish was different


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Software Developer Intern

May - July 2019 • Columbus, OH

What I liked

I liked that we had a teams of managers that were available for interns to speak to when they needed help I liked that we the biweekly check ins where managers can check on our progress and offer advise I liked that we were given the opportunity to work on projects we are interested in I liked that they organised events that allowed us to meet and share our experiences among interns I liked that they organised an event at the end that allowed us to present what we did during the internship to all CAS employees. I liked that they gave us free tickets to a concert after the internship

What I wish was different

I would have I liked to learn more about the work of other departments


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Summer Student Programmer

May - August 2020 • Columbus, OH

What I liked

I was put on a team of experienced and full-time developers and was assigned a mentor to help me get set up. I worked with many people on the team and felt impactful with my work-- I got to work on things that will be in the project that customers will see. Despite the fact that we were working at home due to COVID-19, I still got to talk to my team often and felt like I got to know them.

What I wish was different

I wish that my first summer had been a bit more traditional. Working in the office, seeing Dash the cat, and working with and talking to other interns more. However, I am really glad for the opportunity I had.


Ask all your questions. There's a lot to know and a lot that you won't know. You aren't expected to come in with this knowledge, but you should be wanting to grow and learn. It's okay if you take a long time, just make sure you do (at least) one thing a day that makes you feel proud.
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Technology Intern

May - August 2019 • Columbus, OH

What I liked

This internship was an amazing experience. I loved the mission statement, work environment and my projects. The work CAS does as a company is inspiring and important.

What I wish was different


Apply to CAS! It's the perfect place to start your career!
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Technology Intern

May - August 2019 • Columbus, OH

What I liked

The work culture at CAS was one of the best among the technology companies that I have interned for throughout my undergraduate summers. While they do promote strategies to help them move projects forward, CAS also focuses heavily on giving interns the best experience that they can get; CAS prioritizes helping to shape interns' futures instead of simply getting present tasks completed. By exposing interns to many technologies and establishing proper professional ethic, CAS is a fun and interesting technology company that looks out for their interns.

What I wish was different


Don't be afraid to reach out to people who are outside of your team. If you are curious about technologies that another team in CAS uses, take the opportunity to see what kind of work they are doing firsthand because odds are that members of that team will be more than happy to show you the project that they are working.
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Technology Intern

May - August 2019 • Columbus, OH

What I liked

The employees at CAS did a terrific job at creating a learning conducive and exciting work environment. As an intern I had the chance to work on a team of three other interns, while also always having the chance to speak with full time software engineers. Scrum masters and other software engineers want you to succeed and it really shows. The technology and processes set in place are also very modern. From daily agile routines, including standups/creating user stories/retros make for a modern work environment. Alongside a very modern tech stack with cutting edge CI/CD practices. I highly recommend interning here!

What I wish was different


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Technology Intern

June - August 2019 • Columbus, OH

What I liked

CAS provided an exciting and fulfilling experience for me as a technology intern. I was placed onto a team of interns and discussed and implemented our project with the help of a really bright mentor (and occasionally the rest of his team). Having an intern team to work with meant being able to expose yourself to people with often varying academic upbringings while at the same time having a group of people to climb up learning curves with. CAS leverages a tech stack of up-to-date, industry standard tools, languages, and frameworks, the exposure to which really helped with my understanding of how a lot of cutting edge software development occurs in the industry today. There are many opportunities/events for interns only to network with and talk to members of the company's top leadership.

What I wish was different


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Summer Student Programmer

May - August 2020 • Columbus, OH

What I liked

The people I worked with were knowledgeable and willing to share their skills with interns. My manager allowed me to make my work schedule flexible to fit into my summer pace. The team of developers I worked with were kind, supportive, and well-organized. The on-boarding process was smooth and planned out accordingly, even with the COVID-19 pandemic in the midst of it all. The responsibilities and work given to me had a real impact and contributed to the success of the team's main project.

What I wish was different


Reach out and build your network while you are there. Create a strong relationship with your mentor and try your best to learn as much as you can from him/her. Demonstrate your skills and what you have learned along the way to receive even more meaningful work.
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Technology Intern

May 2018 • Columbus, OH

What I liked

CAS is a nice place with lots of helpful people. They is a lot of networking and feedback opportunities.

What I wish was different



For your dreams kiddo
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