At Calvary Community, our vision is to be people who live and love like Jesus. We're located in Westlake Village, California.
Calvary Community Church - Core Values
Centered in Christ.
Keeping Christ at the center of all that we do and all that we are.
Guided by the Word.
Accepting the Bible as the basis for our faith and practice.
Empowered by the Spirit.
Relying on the Holy Spirit to energize all that we do and all that we are.
Committed to the Gospel.
Communicating the Good News of salvation through Jesus alone.
Constant in Prayer.
Engaging in prayer as a constant practice and daily discipline.
Devoted as Disciples.
Fulfilling Christ’s mandate by being disciples and by making disciples.
Faithful in Stewardship.
Managing our resources, time and abilities for God’s glory.
Compassionate in Attitude.
Showing genuine love toward our community and world.
Authentic in Relationships.
Practicing integrity, demonstrating humility, loving one another.