California State University, San Bernardino-University Enterprises Corporation (UEC)

About California State University, San Bernardino-University Enterprises Corporation (UEC)

University Enterprises Corporation at CSUSB ("UEC") supports the university's educational mission by providing quality services that complement the instructional program. The University depends upon UEC to provide services that cannot be supported with state funds.

Although UEC is a legally separate 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, it is a fully integrated part of the California State University San Bernardino campus.

UEC is responsible for business enterprises on campus including, but not limited to, dining services, bookstore, convenience store, and vending services. UEC also serves as the grantee for federal, state and local funding for research and sponsored projects.


Peer advisor

September 2018 San Bernardino, CA
“I really enjoyed doing research in one of my professors lab. The research consist of studying a specific gene of a particular species and comparing it to the same species found in a different community (i.e. Dace from different creaks). Learning new lab techniques and learning how to interpert data was the most exciting part. ”
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