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Biology Research Assistant

May 2019 • Lowell, MA

What I liked

The project was a lot of individual work, which helped me learn new skills through hands on work.

What I wish was different


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Undergraduate Research Assistant

February - August 2019 • Lowell, MA

What I liked

The group worked well together and was very well organized with all their work. There was excellent communication and followup.

What I wish was different

Nothing. The communication and and work ethic were great and quite respectable.


Do not be afraid to fail. Do not be afraid to ask questions. People will help if you ask for it. Listen and apply what more experienced people have to say. Do not beat yourself over if things do not go the way you planned.
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Social Media Intern

May 2019 • Lowell, MA

What I liked

The culture over at University Relations is amazing, a much better work environment than my last internship. I enjoy going to work knowing I have a great boss and co-workers around me to keep the days interesting.

What I wish was different


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Assistant researcher - Psychology Department

June 2019 • Lowell, MA

What I liked

I liked participating in the design and execution of a research project.

What I wish was different

I wish I had more skills to be able to support the project.


I can't simply try to tell someone to "think outside the box", as it served a very important purpose when providing close assistance to the project. So ways to try to "think outside the box" would be to do extensive research into what you are working on. Know it in-and-out, to the back of your hand. Then would you be able to understand and put mental effort into creative ways of supporting the project you are working and researching on.
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