Put yourself out there and don't be afraid to ask to tag along on something you think is important. Whether its right away or after a few tries, someone will say 'yes'.
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Educational Consultant
August - September 2018 • Portland, OR
What I liked
The whole thing was an amazing experience.
What I wish was different
Take whatever opportunity comes your way.
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Community Outreach Liaison
June - August 2018 • Seattle, WA
What I liked
I loved being able to connect with various different communities and community members and learn how to respectfully share stories and foster connections.
What I wish was different
Ideally I would've gotten to stay longer, but summer is only a few months!
Involving community members, especially when cultural artifacts and stories are included, is such a powerful and important part of this work. Make connections with all the amazing people you get to meet, because it's such an incredible opportunity.