Burger King

Restaurant Shift Leader

November 2017 • Boise, ID

What I liked

I liked their willingness to work with my schedule.

What I wish was different

I wish my managers were more worried about the success of their employees rather than bonuses


Just keep your chin up, everything gets better. No matter how rough a work day is, you always get to go home!
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Crew Leader

May - August 2019 • Refugio, TX

What I liked

The atmosphere of working there and how the crew got along.

What I wish was different

Making sure everyone has equal pay if they work in the same position.


Enjoy yourself but make sure you follow the rules because this is a place where you get paid to work.
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team member

October 2016 - August 2019 • Grand Blanc, MI

What I liked

I liked feeling a part of team and the consistent income.

What I wish was different


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May 2018 • Tully, NY

What I liked

Working with people

What I wish was different



Be patient
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November 2018 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

I got to experience managing shifts, and experienced working with all types of people.

What I wish was different

I wish I dealt with more professional customers.


My advice is to do your very best even if you don’t know what you’re doing.
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July - October 2018 • Madison, NJ

What I liked

Flexible hours

What I wish was different


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May 2018 • Athens, AL

What I liked

Advancement opportunities, varied staff, multiple positions

What I wish was different


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March 2015 • Fort Knox, KY

What I liked

I love the employees the most. I make a lot of friends and connections ranging from young adults to older adults.

What I wish was different

Nothing honestly. I love working there.


Learn to balance a fun/serious work environment. Don't work too hard but don't slack off too much.
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Team Member

January 2015 • Cadillac, MI

What I liked

What I wish was different


Be patient. You can learn a lot from a small job like this.
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Fast Food Worker

May 2018 • Perryville, MO

What I liked

Getting close to my coworkers

What I wish was different

Stress level, working over allotted time


It's a great place to build character and get experience working with people.
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Fast Food Worker

April 2017 • Muskogee, OK

What I liked

The people I work with

What I wish was different


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Food Service Worker

May - August 2019 • Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD

What I liked

I liked that I was around a pleasant staff that did not abuse the new guy.

What I wish was different

I wish that rush hour was easier because it put a lot of stress on people to power through


get non slip shoes.
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May 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

The work space was very nice and clean. The employees were all nice and caring.

What I wish was different



Patience is a major key when working in fast food.
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Crew Member

March 2019 • Mary Esther, FL

What I liked

This has been my favorite job yet. I worked for them previously the year before and decided to come back. I love the staff members and management and being able to make each customer have a great experience.

What I wish was different

I wish there was an opportunity for raises. While I was paid very high, this wasn’t until after I came back to them a second time. I also wish they got rid of a person who was causing trouble. This pushed other workers away and led us to being understaffed.


Key your personal business to yourself. It’s a very talkative and friendly crew, and the news will spread like wild fire.
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Kitchen Steward

June - August 2019 • Athens, OH

What I liked


What I wish was different


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Marketing Intern

June - August 2019 • Madrid, Madrid

What I liked

I loved how hands-on the entire marketing department allowed me to be. They trusted me with a lot of tasks your average intern would not usually have, and they allowed me to experience a taste of each department. For example, I would approve marketing campaigns for TV commercials, but then the following week I'd attend product shoots with the Digital Marketing team. I also really enjoying joining in on executive meetings and understanding all the steps that go into releasing a product. The environment itself also had an impact on how great my experience went. The team members I worked with were all young and dynamic, with fresh ideas and a good grasp on current trends. The relationship between them was also something extraordinary in my opinion, they were more than just co-workers, they were family! Hours upon hours in an office really makes you get to know someone on a deep level.

What I wish was different

I wish the pay was a teeeny bit higher seeing as I was treated as a full-time employee more than an intern, but the general work culture in Spain is low-pay and a decent amount of work.


I would definitely recommend this experience but only if you have a fluent understanding of Spanish. My biggest tip would be to enter with an open mind, and be prepared to shift your working speed seeing as Europeans tend to have a much more relaxed pace when it comes to corporate culture.
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Fast Food Cook

May 2019 • Pembroke, NC

What I liked

I really enjoy all the new people I’ve met at Burger King. They really make coworkers seem like family.

What I wish was different


You just need to stick with whatever youre doing and learn as you go.
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Fast Food Cook

May - August 2018 • Caldwell, ID

What I liked

I liked having the opportunity to work overtime as well as the coworkers and environment I worked in.

What I wish was different

I wish there was less responsibility of night shift to do every single thing correctly when day shift never restocked or cleaned anything before their shift ended.


If you are looking for a short summer job that you want to either work long hours or short hours, this is a good short term job.
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Team Member

June - August 2019 • Pensacola, FL

What I liked

The burgers

What I wish was different

Some coworkers


Be ready to work under pressure and under stress
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June - August 2019 • Niles, IL

What I liked

I liked the flexible hours.

What I wish was different

Better management in terms of employees available for work.


Learning good customer service skills is essential in any business.
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