Buffalo Prep is not a school, but a school of thought. We believe in educational equity. We believe in racial justice. We believe in our scholars and in their potential to change the world. Through rigorous academic programming, Buffalo Prep scholars have the opportunity to turn knowledge into power.
While they’re putting in the extra hours in the classroom, we’re putting in the work to build a more inclusive, equitable, and just community around them. For our scholars, the future is bright. As they strive toward their most vivid, authentic selves, they become shining examples of what happens when we don’t settle for mediocrity. We are Buffalo Prep, and we are illuminating brilliance – or our scholars, for our community, for our future.
Buffalo Prep was founded in 1989 by education and community leaders to help talented underrepresented students prepare for, obtain entrance into, and excel at demanding college preparatory high schools. Buffalo Prep has grown exponentially over the years and now serves hundreds of students and alumni each year with our unique pipeline of Prep Scholars Academy, Middle School Prep, High School Prep, College Prep, and Alumni Prep programs. Many students begin Buffalo Prep’s rigorous program in 5th grade and commit their summers, evenings, and weekends to prepare for higher achievement.