Brink Literacy Project

Editorial Intern

September 2017 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

The internship is extremely hands-on, even thought it is remote. I've been able to dabble in every department the literary publishing company has--marketing, editing, etc.--and have been helping the company grow and change.

What I wish was different

I wish I could be able to actually work in the office, but alas, it's in Colorado. I'm only a few weeks in, so I really don't have any complaints so far.


Internships are demanding, and the majority of them are unpaid--the two that I've been lucky enough have been, at least. When it comes to that, do as much research as you can around a company you're interested in interning for. If you don't like the company or what the tasks they'll be expecting from you, that internship will seem like forever and you'll be miserable. Do it for the experience, of course. But also do it because you'll love it.
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