What I liked
It was a fantastic and life-changing experience! Breakthrough Collaborative serves middle school students from disadvantaged backgrounds, helping to prevent summer slide and provide support on their journey to college. It also serves college students who are interested in going into the field of education who become the Teaching Fellows. At Breakthrough, you are given the opportunity to teach 2 academic classes, co-teach an elective, serve as an advisor to a small group of children, and much more. I can't think of any other job that truly lets college-aged students experience life as a teacher- you are the one teaching, grading, holding family conferences, and all the other responsibilities that teachers have. There is a huge support system from the Directors, Deans of Students, Instructional Coaches and Program Assistants. The Teaching Fellows become super close-knit and constantly arrange trips around Manchester and the local areas. I knew no one in New Hampshire before I went and now I have a community there and friends who came to teach from all over the country.