Branford Castle Partners

About Branford Castle Partners

Branford is an active investor in small-to-medium-sized private companies. With each new investment, Branford builds on its senior management’s 35+ year history of helping to grow businesses. The firm typically makes control investments in companies with EBITDA up to $15 million and a leadership position in a niche industry. Branford has particular expertise in the industrial, consumer, business services and logistics industries. Branford was founded by John K. Castle, who serves as the firm’s Chairman. He is also the founder, CEO and Chairman of Castle Harlan, Inc., the multi-billion-dollar, middle-market private equity firm. He is a former President and CEO of Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette.


Summer Analyst

June 2020 - September 2020 New York City, NY
“Great experience working within the private equity industry”
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