Brandeis University- High School Programs

About Brandeis University- High School Programs

BrandeisHSP offers outstanding residential experiences for exceptional high school students from around the world. We provide students with the opportunity to explore academic and artistic pursuits in connection with a diverse body of individuals who share their commitment to building a global community.

At the heart of our mission is the belief that teenagers can have life-changing experiences when they are encouraged to push themselves to learn, explore and connect with other people and with their true selves.

We aim to create an environment rich with challenge and inspiration, where self-expression is encouraged and welcomed.

Our high school program participants also benefit from the invaluable opportunity to meet young people from different backgrounds, different cultures, and different practices, and to learn about — and from — one another. Our programs are created and led by career professionals and caring staff who actively collaborate with our participants to shape what and how they learn.


Office Worker

July 2018 - August 2018 Waltham, MA
“Allowed me to exercise discretion toward tasks without needing to consult bosses.”
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