Since 1907 the Boys & Girls Club of Manchester has been at the forefront of youth development, working with young people from disadvantaged economic, social, and family circumstances. Our mission is to reach out to all youth, especially those who need us most, inspiring them to realize their full potential as productive, responsible, and caring individuals. We believe that providing children with a safe place to learn and grow through ongoing relationships with caring adults will build hope and opportunity and ignite promise that may otherwise go undeveloped.
Our target population is youth aged 6 to 18 years in the greater Manchester area, with special focus on youth at risk. With over 100 programs offered, the Club instills a sense of competence, usefulness, belonging, and responsibility in its members. Our reputation as a trusted resource in the community, our access to the largest population of under-served youth, and our low program fees position us to have far-reaching impact. Over the past 112 years, the Club has served tens of thousands of Manchester’s youth. The Club is a vital resource for children and families in Manchester. Last year, we served over 4,310 young people through Club membership (2,490) and community outreach (2,000). We had a daily average attendance of 542 during the school year and 407 during the summer months. Our expanded food service program provided 150,000 breakfast, snacks, and dinners in 2018-19. The Boys & Girls Club of Manchester has its main Clubhouse at 555 Union Street and two school-based after school sites at Jewett Street and Highland Goffe’s Falls Elementary Schools. In addition, the Club operates Camp Foster summer day camp in Bedford, NH.