Boy Scouts of America, Blue Ridge Mountains Council

Aquatics Director

June - July 2023 • Hiwassee, VA

What I liked

I loved getting to experience the outdoors each day and to be disconnected from the world for a little bit. Every day felt like an adventure; and it felt very enriching to help kids and teens make new memories. It will probably be one of the most unique work experiences I will ever have in my life, and I am thankful for it.

What I wish was different


Make sure you have a water bottle on you at all times, getting dehydrated can be a serious issue in this position. I also recommend carrying sunscreen.
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Scoutcraft Director

June 2016 - July 2019 • Roanoke, VA

What I liked

Working here is like having a second family

What I wish was different



Come in with an open mind, ready to learn
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