Borrow My Glasses

About Borrow My Glasses

Borrow My Glasses, LLC (BMG) is a gerontology education company dedicated to aging & caregiving from a new perspective. Borrow My Glasses works with organizations and universities that want engaging and effective ways to educate audiences on issues of aging, and with professionals, caregivers and students who want to better understand aging issues to navigate their life and career. Borrow My Glasses develops learning and evaluation strategies, designs & delivers educational programs, creates content, and produces multimedia workshops & events delivered in workplaces, communities, and classrooms nationwide.


Summer Intern

June 2020 - August 2020 Madison, CT
“Given a lot of freedom and responsibility to work on projects. Opportunity to choose which projects to focus on depending on interests. Received helpful feedback from supervisors. Ability to collaborate with other interns if applicable.”
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