Blue Wave America

About Blue Wave America

Blue Wave America is a grassroots organization fighting to elect Democrats nationwide by turning out the rural Democrat vote. We are funding and training the next generation of Democratic political organizers in key swing states on rural voter outreach methods, Democratic turnout software, and digital organizing strategies. Our expert team uses decades of campaign experience to get out the vote where Democrats have given too much ground to Republicans for far too long.


Rural Organizer Internship

September 2023 - November 2023 Kenosha, WI
“It was nice that I could message my interviewer afterwards through chat to send a thank you. Plus, when I was hired, his emails were going to my spam at first so being able to connect with him through the chat helped a lot. ”

Rural organizer

September 2023 La Crosse, WI
“It's been very organized and pays very well.”
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